double-up cappuccino

I tend to comfort drink in winter. And by that I mean a lot of hot drinks, generally of the caffeinated variety. If we go out for coffee, I’ll choose a double-up cappuccino nine times out of ten.

Got yours? Nice 🙂 Let’s round up some fun stuff.

Reading . . . In my study break I read the Good News translation of the Apocrypha. It was, overall, an insightful and thought-provoking experience. But parts of it, like Wisdom and the Maccabees, excellently cure insomnia. Enough said.

It’s worth Googling the prayer of Manasseh, however. Authorship and authenticity aside, those fifteen verses deserve to be saved so you can pray them again and again.

I read Terry Pratchett’s fabulous Thief of Time. Lu-Tze made it so worthwhile, and I love how Pratchett took the mickey out of wuxia movies. (HIIII-YAAAAAH!) I also reread Frontier Wolf by Rosemary Sutcliff, loving it more this time (if possible).

Watching . . . Nothing like the third season of The Mandalorian on a quiet winter evening. I would switch off all the lights except my nightlight and burrow under the blankets to race through the galaxy with Mando and Grogu. Eight episodes are nowhere near enough, though.

Listening to . . . I discovered Nigel Ng and Uncle Roger. I often had one of his podcasts or reaction videos playing in the background while I worked. It made scanning, uploading, and renaming scores of receipts far more bearable.

The other night Charlie Berens’ hour-long Midwest Goodbye came up and I cast half an eye as I washed dishes. But soon I had to give him my full attention. He had me in stitches – and I’m not even American!

Enjoying . . . Coffee 😀

I’ve been blessed with special visits with lovely friends, as well as some beautiful, recharging walks. I also had two weeks at the digs (my parents’ home) with Leticia while the rest of the family was away. It felt like a holiday, honestly.

I also love the sunny winter days. Granted, the mornings are often below 5’C, but nothing beats the sun streaming from a crazily clear blue sky. Most of our trees are evergreen, so everything is splashed with patches of beautiful, pure colour.

Grateful for . . . Jackets, hot-water bottles, blankets, mohair socks and roofs that don’t leak. Numerous sources have complained that this is the coldest winter in ten years/their two decades in Sedgefield/their whole life/the entire Age of the Gilded Tiger/you get the picture.

I think every winter hits us anew because it’s our current reality. But however we moan, we have so much available to ease the cold. And we take those things for granted, while there are millions who will never enjoy what we have.

Excited about . . . I can’t wait to chuck my wrist brace and ride my bicycle again! Poor Jamesy Boy became the most neglected two-wheeled boyfriend in history. Wasn’t by choice, dude . . .

Learning . . . So much – and not all of it shareable!

But I’ve learned that I carry great worth. Intrinsic worth.

I’ve done things that are surprising in hindsight – but in the moment you just do what needs to be done. And I learned I can get it done.

I’ve learned I’m happier when I have people around me and someone to care for.

I learned that I’d neglected myself in some ways. I’m aware of it now and trying not to let it happen again.

I’ve learned that certain personality traits can also turn into a mask. You might not see it as such, because it’s a case of, “Oh, this is just me.” And it’s OK to mask things and be brave . . . up to a point. You need to know that you have a safe place to drop the facade.

I’ve learned that bottling things is like sticking a band-aid on a wet and pus-y wound. Sure, the band-aid works. Temporarily. But when you rip it off, the wound is uglier than before.

I learned that I don’t want to be a living apology. I am allowed to draw myself up to five-foot-ten and look people in the eyes without saying sorry.

I learned that I am allowed to take up space. I am allowed to own the space I take up, and do so unapologetically.

Rupi Kaur wrote that, “trying to convince myself I am allowed to take up space is like writing with my left hand when I was born to use my right.” He’s right. But we can learn and grow, and keep learning and growing. And sometimes we’ll astound ourselves.

Aren’t we actually insulting our Creator when we downplay our worth?

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